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Success Report: Stolen Dyna Truck Swiftly Recovered in Umlazi

by | Success Stories / Incident Posts

Blue Security - Success Report: Stolen Dyna Truck Swiftly Recovered in Umlazi - Screenshot 2024 09 27 at 16.48.06


Location:  Umlazi
Incident: Tracked & Recovered Stolen Truck

A broadcast was received reporting a Dyna truck stolen from the Bayview area and heading towards Umlazi.

Blue Security’s CCPU and Tactical Units quickly responded and proceeded to the vicinity.         The truck was successfully located and recovered in Umlazi, although it had been offloaded.

The vehicle was handed over to Car Track and Metro Police members on the scene.                   SAPS also attended to further investigate the incident.

Thank you to all involved for their swift action and effective coordination!

Stay vigilant and continue to report any suspicious activities to help keep our communities safe!

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