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Success Report: Stolen Brush Cutter Recovered, Additional Suspect Apprehended

by | Success Stories / Incident Posts

Blue Security - Success Report: Stolen Brush Cutter Recovered, Additional Suspect Apprehended - Screenshot 2024 10 25 at 16.41.01


Date: 24-10-2024
Location: Bluff & Glebelands Hostel                                                                                                                    Incident: House Breaking and Stolen Vehicle 

Remember the success story where our team apprehended suspects who had stolen 2 brushcutters in Molweni after a tip off from our client? [posted 14/10/2024] Well, another suspect has now been apprehended by our ARO in Waterfall! The individual was promptly handed over to SAPS for further processing and charges.

Great work by our team for their persistence and swift action!

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